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Funnies from Edublox Classes

Reading Brakes
Langalakhe wanted to read fast, so fast that I couldn’t make out where he was getting the words from and I said, “Slow down my boy, read a little slower.” He replied, “I can’t Teacher Marj, I am a moving man, I don’t have brakes.”

One Tuesday afternoon we had our English class. On this specific day I wore a new outfit which was light pink in colour and made of a soft chiffon material. The class had just started and I was on a roll, when all of a sudden one of the boys asked me the question. “Teacher Rika, why are you still in your pyjamas?” I had to think very quickly for an appropriate answer and said, “Well Dylan, I didn’t quite feel like getting dressed this morning. Do you mind if I teach while wearing my pyjamas?” He warily and very politely, with a faint smile, answered, “No Ma’am, it's okay with me.” But I know he was thinking that his teacher is very, very weird. And I still, to this day, wonder what he had told his parents!

Afrikaans Dude
Paroshan, a little boy with a strong Durban accent, had always struggled on Phonics Tonic, an auditory program. For the most part he didn’t like listening and repeated lessons 1, 2 and 3 several times. He really wasn’t trying and would fill his page with colourful drawings instead of following the verbal instructions. I had to be firm with him and explained that I didn’t want to hear any more excuses, and that he had to at least try!

At the next lesson he put his headphones on and whilst I was loading the other learners' programs Paroshan repeatedly called me, “Hey Teacher Marj, I don’t understand what this dude is saying.” I would reply, “Stop talking Paroshan, I don’t want to hear another word.” This carried on and on ... “but Teacher Marj!!” ... and my reply, “Nope, I am not listening, Paroshan!!”

I eventually decided to restart the lesson to make him begin again and … I had loaded his lesson in Afrikaans, a language he doesn’t understand at all!! I found this very funny and so did Paroshan. To make up for my mistake he got a big hug and he was allowed to choose a gift from the treasure chest, a treat usually reserved for very special occasions.