did Edublox: Help for Reading Difficulties and Learning Difficulties
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Success Stories

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From: "Angelique Mcadam" [angeliquemcadam@gmail.com]
Date: 12 Jul 2015 14:47
Subject: Gabriel
To: [monique@edublox.com]

Dear Monique

I have had the honour to experience Edublox and the wonderful work that you and your team do with the children.

My son struggled with reading and comprehension in Grade 2. After doing some research I was impressed with what Edublox had to offer. I am so glad I found you and enrolled Gabriel into your program. Not only has he learnt to read like a trooper, he has also gained so much self confidence. According to the reports I receive from his teachers he is the first in class to volunteer to read to the class and stand infront to do his speeches from cue cards. He is excelling in class -- you have given him such a solid foundation to build from. I cannot begin to explain to you what your program has done for my son!! I thank you for your endurance and for your assistance with my little angel!

Due to the difference that I have experienced with my boy, I have recommended your course far and wide to every person I know who struggle with similar issues, and will continue recommending your services.

Thank you Again!!

Angelique McAdam

Chairperson – Roodepoort Childwelfare

From: Natasha Williams [mailto:natasha@jetdemolition.co.za]
Sent: 02 July 2015 09:18 AM
To: 'Monique van Heerden'
Cc: Edublox West Rand
Subject: RE: Reilly Williams: One-on-One Intensive Programme, 17 to 30 June 2015

Good morning Monique

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you and your team sincerely and from the bottom of my heart for what you have done to help Reilly.

In a short period of only 10 days, I have watched Reilly transform from an academically-insecure child to a reading-confident individual. Where he avoided reading and school-related activities for the past two-and-a-half years, he is now happy to read anything and he does it willingly. His transformation is not only displayed in his reading ability, but physically and emotionally, too. Before, Reilly was very sensitive and would cry or fight easily; but now he is understanding, accepting, he stands tall and is almost mature in his demeanour. I credit your one-on-one programme for this. There are not enough words to express how grateful I am.

Although I mentioned that Reilly’s transformation took place over the 10 days, the first changes were evident after only three days. I noticed that he would read words that appeared on TV or alongside the roads we travelled on or the names of shops at the mall. These are things he never did before and it made me feel proud and relieved at the same time. Finally there was a breakthrough. Finally, after many difficult, tearful, heart-breaking unsuccessful attempts, something is working! I will certainly recommend Edublox to anyone who feels as hopeless and helpless as I did not so long ago.

I am busy completing the registration forms for the after-school weekly classes, and am excited for Reilly’s continued journey. However, the documentation I received does not contain cost details. Would you be able to arrange for it to be sent to me in order that I submit the forms as soon as possible, please?

Thank you very much, again, for everything.

Kind regards


Lebogang is a learner at Edublox Pretoria North. Her average has improved from 61% in Term 1 to 70% in Term 2:


Mathblox Ad

From: Inge Hayhurst [mailto:hayinge@live.co.za]
Sent: 03 May 2015 08:53 PM
To: monique@edublox.com
Subject: Rogan's progress

Hi Monique

Thank you for the demo yesterday. I am amazed and now I understand why Rogan is doing so well. He is now in that stage where he loves Edublox – makes it so much easier. Seriously, I would love to come for adult lessons – although if you stick me in with the new kids, I would fit in fine too.

I have been meaning to send you Rogan’s reports to show his progress. I have attached his reports for your viewing, but for public viewing, below are the cut outs of his progress. His improvement is so obvious and not only in his marks – he is confident, more outgoing, becoming more independent and keen to try new things. We did not realise Edublox will “teach” him these things too!

This is the report that made me contact Edublox:

At the end of Term 2 in 2014 when Rogan was in Grade 1, we approached Edublox because of his marks for Term 2. Rogan started Edublox in August 2014 and by December 2014, we saw significant improvement in his confidence and enthusiasm for school.

Rogan is repeating Grade 1 in 2015. At the end of Term 1, after attending Edublox for about 6 months (holidays excluded), this is the report Rogan presented:

We are so proud of Rogan and so so appreciative to Edublox for the work the teachers have done with Rogan. It is clear that Edublox works and wish more people to join this excellent program. We still have a long way to go and we are looking forward to Rogan reaping the rewards.

Thank you Edublox!

Kind regards
Inge Hayhurst

Damian du Plessis

Damian was battling with English spelling and comprehension. His teacher was concerned that he might not pass Grade 4.

He was also battling to concentrate and remain focused in class.

By the end of 2014 there was a massive improvement in his weekly test results. His spelling and reading improved and so did his comprehension. He managed to pass Grade 4 with 59% for English.

He has already written a comprehension test in Grade 5 and got 64% — a massive improvement on his mark for Grade 4.

I also find an improvement in his concentration. He remembers his homework tasks and manages to complete them without the struggle we had in the past.

Michelle du Plessis

Celeste Abrahams: “Akeem struggled with both English (reading and spelling), Mathematics and remembering anything he had learned. He just couldn't remember the work. He repeated Grade 2 and we decided to enrol him in a program for children with learning difficulties. In Grade 4 his teacher called us in and said how much he was struggling and might not pass the year without extra help.

“Akeem already had a low self-esteem due to him repeating a grade and because he was struggling with his school work. He refused to go to school, because it was torture for him. He read very slowly and had to sound out almost every word. He could not remember what he had learned and this frustrated him and us.” Read more...

Nadia van Rooyen: “My son was born early and we were informed that if he lives to see 3 months it would be a miracle. Well, I am glad to say that my little fighter is turning 9 in March 2015. We enrolled him in a mainstream school in Grade R. We were sure that he would excel in school just as he did in life. But, halfway through the year we were informed that he is not coping. We set out to do whatever it takes to assist him in reaching his full potential in school.” Read more...

Tracy Hibbert: “Before I enrolled my daughter Caylin for Edublox classes she was struggling to pass every year. I dreaded parent-teacher evenings and we were always the ones called in to see the teacher or HoD. We had tried everything from extra classes to neurologists to occupational therapists. We hit a low point at the end of Gr 3 when we were called in and the school wanted her to repeat the year.” Read more...


Haley had difficulty in English, Afrikaans and Maths. As soon as she started to struggle she would lose concentration and confidence. She would then start stressing and couldn't get anything correct. Her marks started to drop and with so many children in a class, her teacher could not sit with her and help her with the work that she struggled with. I thought she was going to fail Grade 4.

Haley started with Edublox at the Paarl branch in May 2014. She has shown improvement in:
- Concentration
- Confidence in her work (ALL her work)
- Maths — solving problems, remembering times tables, understanding more and more how to do the sums.
- When it came to studying, she remembered her work.
- She did better in her English and Afrikaans comprehension tests. (She never understood the questions in context).

She still struggles with Maths word problems and division. Therefore, she's attending the Mathblox course in 2015.

Thank you Edublox Paarl!

Dilline Laubscher
30 January 2015

Haley sent us this video:


The school nurse came to school and analysed the children, and it was noted that Madison gets distracted quite easily and struggles to concentrate. When she does homework we have noted that she struggles to concentrate.

Madison started at Edublox in July 2014, which was the third term. Her reading, English and Maths have progressed from 4’s to 5’s and 6’s. At home we no longer fight to do homework. Sometimes we would sit with homework from 18:00 - 22:00; now we start at 18:00 and finish at 19:00.

I can see she is still struggling with Maths — she is struggling to understand patterns.

Marié McCabe
21 January 2015

Madison’s reading improved from 4 to 5 and then to 6:

From: Gretchan Leng [mailto:gleng3892@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:56 PM
To: Maryke Stain
Subject: A very proud mother

Afternoon Maryke,

I trust that you are well. I just wanted to share Yannick's annual test with you. He has excelled so much since his been at Edublox this past 4 months. Thank you very much to you and your staff for having the time and patience with my son. It is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I don’t have his previous mark but I do know that he received a 4 for English and a 3 for his Maths. He attended Saturday classes at school for these subjects but that didn’t help at all where his marks were concerned. This truly proves to me that the service you and your staff provide works 100%. I couldn't have made a better decision.

Please find attached document.

A very happy mother
Thanking you
Gretchan Leng

Yannick joined Edublox four months ago. His English mark on his Annual National Assessment has already improved from 4 to 6, and his Maths mark from 3 to 5.


From: Shireen Daniels [mailto:shireendaniels1@gmail.com]
Sent: 25 November 2014 11:53 AM
To: Edublox Claremont
Subject: Imaad Daniels


As requested please, find my motivation for Imaad Daniels:

As a single mom I did my best to try and give my children the best education I could afford. I believe the school Imaad attends is a very good school in this aspect. However, some children just need extra help and support academically.

Imaad tried his best throughout the foundation phase of his schooling, and I, being pedantic about him doing well, was quite the military sergeant. At times my efforts paid off and in other scenarios he did okay. I then realized that perhaps Imaad wasn't academically strong and I was at wits ends in finding ways to try and help him.

I was then referred to Edublox my a family member. I took him for the assessment and we agreed to give this a go... I had to plan for high school and take into account all possibilities that interested him. I wanted an immediate and quick result and thought Edublox would give that to him. Imaad joined Edublox in May and I then realized that this was going to be a slow process. He loves the Friday afternoon classes and looks forward to going every Friday.

I’ve seen the change in Imaad. He is starting to think differently and its an amazing journey that he is on. Imaad has always been a good reader, however, understanding what he reads was his challenge....and honestly the biggest frustration I had with him. I find him focusing better and comprehending his reading material. His September report is one of great improvement; I am absolutely proud of him. He is more focused and concentrates better. His teacher too gave positive feedback at the report hand out in September. He has become more confident as well.

He is setting the bar high for himself and as much as I understand that there will be dips, I have Edublox to support both of us during his schooling career.

Thank You for the support you have given Imaad thus far.

Kind regards
Shireen Daniels

Imaad Daniels joined Edublox Claremont in May 2014. His average has, so far, improved from 42% to 52% to 62%. Well done!


Liam Williams

Liam wasn’t reading very well or, shall I say, not at all. He was unhappy going to school and the teacher just kept saying he is lazy and never makes an effort with his school work.

Liam is at a stage where he is able to pick up a magazine or book and is able to decipher the words by himself or with a little bit of help. He is happier and I have not heard an excuse in a long time that he does not want to go to school. He smiles more readily and is no longer an introvert but speaks freely — even his stuttering has minimised to almost non-existent.

His reading still needs a lot of work but other than that his memory and everything else has improved a lot.

Charlene Williams

Liam’s English mark has, so far, improved from a 2 (30-39%) to a 4 (50-59%):


A follow-up email from Shirley Lindecke:

From: Shirley Lindecke [mailto:ShirleyL@afsi.co.za]
Sent: 16 October 2014 09:08 AM
To: monique@edublox.com

Hi Monique

I hope you are well.

We are away next week for my mom's 70th birthday so Ryan will not be at Edublox on Tuesday.

I have to tell you that I continue to be absolutely astounded and impressed. When I first came to you it was because I picked up a problem with Ryan studying Social Science and not reading and understanding the work. For the last two years he has been battling between mid 50's and early 60's for his SS cycle tests and exams. He came home yesterday with 81% for last weeks cycle test. Again I cannot begin to thank you and the teachers enough. It is absolutely amazing for him and me to be getting these brilliant marks, without as much hard slog as previously done, to obtain much better marks. After years of speech therapy, OT, remedial, Tina Cowley - I am absolutely blown away by what Edublox offers and the fact that he loves the classes. I know I have said it before but really I continue to be amazed and it has done the world of good for Ryan's self confidence!


Kind regards
Shirley Lindecke
Alchemy Financial Services Incorporated
Direct Tel : (011) 795-8119
Switchboard : (011) 795-8100
Cell : 0836009396
Fax: 0866109429
E-mail : shirleyl@afsi.co.za


Ryan was battling to read the work he was meant to be studying, which in turn lead to him not fully understanding his work and battling when writing tests/exams.

Ryan’s marks in his last two cycle tests went up and surpassed the grade average, where previously he was closer to the bottom. His reading and thus understanding of work has improved and his confidence in himself has grown.

There is still room for improvement in terms of reading, but the over-all improvement has been phenomenal.

Shirley Lindecke

Ryan’s teachers confirmed his improvement. He has achieved an A+ for his recent Maths cycle test and was one of the highest in Grade 7. His mark for Natural Sciences has increased from 52% to 67% to 89%!



Last year (2013), Tashlin, then in Grade 6, performed very poorly at school and her teacher, to whom I am very grateful today, advised me to enrol her in Edublox. Enrolling her in Edublox was the best investment I could give my child at this early age of her development. You cannot go wrong with Edublox.

It was almost the end of the year when I enrolled Tashlin and therefore did not expect must improvement but, to my surprise, Tashlin improved extremely well in the short period she had been at Edublox. Even her teacher said she was surprised at how Tashlin was performing the last term.

I could immediately see improvement in her attitude, her reading and how she was doing her homework. She was even excited to go to Edublox every week — you guys must be doing something great there at Edublox. She was more confident in herself and more eager to do things. Studying for tests and exams was no longer an issue for her. I must say, in such short time, Edublox has transformed her into a bright and good student. I was already thinking ahead and wondering: if she would spend more time at Edublox, how much more would she improve?

Tashlin started Grade 7 this year and her performance thus far has been very good compared to last year. I would recommend Edublox to any child for development. I would like to thank Monique and her staff for excellent work. Edublox West Rand, you ROCK! — not only my world, but all our children’s world.

Badillian Scheepers

From: Yasaar Abrahams [mailto:finance@msaircon.com]
Sent: 23 September 2014 11:33 AM
To: 'Edublox West Rand'
Subject: Amaarah Abrahams
Importance: High

Dear Monique

It was really good chatting the other day.

I just have to share the attached tests with you. We are soo excited to see the vast improvement with Amaarah’s reading, comprehension and more especially her spelling. Your classes have really made a huge difference. I have also found that her concentration and confidence has improved.

With her marks having improved, she has been soo motivated and excited to go to school. Furthermore, I must add that her marks in ALL her subjects have improved considerably. Please continue your awesome work with my child. We will continue to persevere and travel this path with her as long as Edublox remains committed to her and we have no doubt that you will.

Thank You again !!!

Kindest Regards

Yasaar Abrahams

Rogan Hayhurst

Rogan had failed term 2 of Grade 1 and after investigating options I decided to try Edublox. At that stage he did not know the alphabet and sounds.

Most significantly, Rogan’s self-confidence has just boomed and he is enjoying learning again. In just 3 months he now knows the alphabet and many sounds. He is also much less anxious about school and tests.

Rogan has a long way to go to catch up with his peers but we are confident that with Edublox it will happen in good time.

Inge Hayhurst
22 September 2014

Helen Loots: “In term one Brian’s Grade 2 year, the teacher indicated that she was very concerned about Brian’s reading capabilities… Brian’s ability to recognise and retain sight words has improved tremendously. His fluency has also increased substantially. Brian chooses his reading homework as one of the first things he likes to complete.” Read more…

From: Lebohang Makgalanyane Transnet National Ports Authority JHB[mailto:Lebohang.Makgalanyane@transnet.net]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 2:42 PM
To: 'marietha@edublox.com'
Subject: Oratile story
Importance: High

I am very grateful to Marietha, Edublox Three Rivers team and Oratile’s teacher, Elize Miles.

Oratile is repeating Grade 3 for the third time this year as he couldn’t read nor write. This was really frustrating for him as he was being assisted by a Grade 2 learner to do his homework.

He started attending EduBlox on the 19th of August 2014 for ten days. For the first time ever he was able to recall the alphabet and read a sentence. I saw the confidence in his eyes and the silent acknowledgement of -- I know this.

Thank you guys, you have changed our life.

God bless
Oratile’s aunt,
Lebohang Makgalanyane
Project Controller: Program Management Office (PMO)
Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA)


23 July 2014

Dear Marina

In 2012 we started getting negative feedback from Liam’s teachers at school with regards to his classwork books and lower school marks. His handwriting, spelling and writing skills were poor. His marks were much lower than the class average with the exception of Mathematics. He used to read very slowly and made a lot of mistakes.

At the beginning of 2014 Liam started with Edublox twice a week. The changes in Liam are visible in everything:

He reads a lot faster. He enjoys reading now, because his reading ability has improved as well as his self confidence.

His marks have increased, for example English Language increased from 51% to 60%.

He remembers to do tasks on his own.

At home he is much more talkative and listens attentively while also joining in on conversations.

He keeps his bedroom tidier than before.

When he studies for exams or tests he remembers what he has learned. His marks for subjects such as Social Sciences increased from 60% to 68%.

We used to worry a lot about his school marks and reading abilities, but with the support from Edublox we can see a huge difference, which eased a lot of tension.

Thank you for a great programme!

Jacques and Christie Munro

Chantalle de Kock: “A year later, Deon’s self-confidence has grown in leaps and bounds and he is earning his ‘bonus’. It was wonderful to receive a report on Thursday and see his effort yielding results. His overall average has increased from a low 60% to 72%. His languages have improved the most, with 77% for Afrikaans and 79% for English!” Read more…

From: Veronique Arnold [mailto:VeroniqueA@idc.co.za]
Sent: 23 June 2014 09:59 AM
To: monique@edublox.com
Subject: School progress Delano

Hi Monique

I know I don’t say it as often as I should, but thank you for all your work with Delano – you and your teachers. Compubox has really helped a lot with extra hours for Delano.

His school has improved, he’s in a technical high school… he received the second highest score for maths out of the two groups at school. The teachers are very impressed with him and his school work.

He also seems more confident now with everything. His spelling has improved, at times I’m shocked at how well his spelling has improved. The school he is in is LSEN high school. I’ve asked him if he wanted to go back to mainstream school, and he says he’s enjoying the technical school, as he loves working with his hands and creating stuff. For the first time in his schooling career he’s very happy where he is, and he always has fond things to say about you and your team. He really enjoys your classes and he actually looks forward to it every week, unlike previous classes and institutions I had him registered for classes. He does homework without hiding it away from me, he finishes his projects on time, surfs the internet without needing my help. Your classes really made a huge contribution to both our lives, and I would recommend you guys to other parents.

So from the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you and your team.

Veronique Arnold
Operational Training & Knowledge Mngt.
Human Capital
Industrial Development Corporation
Tel: +27 (0) 11 269 3874
Fax: +27 (0) 086 210 3874


From: Nikelwa Tengimfene [mailto:nikelwa@gcis.gov.za]
Sent: 02 June 2014 09:09 PM
To: monique@edublox.com
Subject: A small testimonial

Dear Monique

My daughter started Edublox whilst in Grade 2 after a tense meeting with her principal and class teacher. They said she was not coping in class and were recommending that she repeat the grade. They also recommended referral to a clinical psychologist and later medication to improve her concentration.

I then remembered a conversation I had with a friend and approached Edublox instead. The prognosis didn’t look good but my daughter enjoyed “the games”, brought back goodies and compliments in appreciation of her efforts. She passed Grade 2 although she started at Edublox in term 3.

I went to her first term teacher-parent interview anxiously, in March this year. Her report was also a mixed bag. However, the teacher was full of praise about how much Celo has progressed. Her handwriting was clear, workbooks are full of “well-done” stickers. I left feeling relieved that my daughter is finally performing at her true potential.

She received love, inspiration and affirmation from Edubox. Thank you to all those that touched my daughter in a positive way.


Nikelwa Tengimfene
Chief Director: Cluster Supervisor ESE; Infra Dev, JCPS & ICTS
Government Communication and Information System
Tshedimosetso House
1035 Frances Baard & Festival Street
Hatfield, Pretoria
Tel: (012) 473 0204
Email: nikelwa@gcis.gov.za Website: www.gcis.gov.za

From: Karin Fitzpatrick [mailto:karin@fitzperfect.co.za]
Sent: 13 March 2014 08:37 AM
To: Alison Boubier; info@edublox.com
Subject: Bridget Fitzpatrick


I would just like to thank everyone at Edublox especially Joanne for the huge improvement I have noticed in Bridget's reading.

At the end of October 2013 I had an educational assessment done at the recommendation of her previous school. Bridget was in grade 7 and I was told she should have an assessment done for high school. I was horrified with the results. She was only reading on a grade one level and practically illiterate. I knew her reading was really bad but never realised just how bad.

Bridget had attend a remedial school since grade one and when I confronted the school about her reading they informed me there was nothing that could be done to improve her reading.

In a panic I phoned around everyone I could think of for help. I got hold of Noel Grey who is a dyslexic therapist. Noel told me she had heard of Edublox but had never tried them. She then phoned and spoke to Henk and Allison. I was advised that Bridget should attend a two week holiday programme which she did (much to her disgust).

In January we started attending classes twice a week. We practised the exercises and sight words. I was told not to read anything with her just yet, only sight words. About two weeks ago Bridget told me Joanne had said she needed to start reading a book and not an easy one. My first thought was how can Joanne do this to me -- it will be such a battle and fight. Bridget chose The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.

Well I was pleasantly surprised. Her reading has improved so much. She still has some reversals, but can decode and blend. She now reads out billboards without me asking.

The confidence she now displays is remarkable. I have no doubt that she will be able to read independently very shortly. So once again a very big thank you to everyone who has assisted, you have actually changed her life.

Yours faithfully
Karin Fitzpatrick

Zan’s Mom and Dad wrote: “It was September 2012 when we received an assessment report from a psychologist. It was recommended that Zan be referred to long term remedial because she was not coping in mainstream. She had problems with regards to reversing letters and numbers, she battled with reading and could not solve word sums. We applied at a remedial school, however, there was no space. Her school took her back on the condition that she repeat Grade One.” Read more...

Maxine Merckel: “Kallyn joined Orban School in 2004. As any mom, I had high expectations for my son starting at a new school. But things didn’t turn out quite the way I had hoped.

“Kallyn’s teacher called me in to talk about Kallyn’s school work. She showed me his drawings compared with that of his classmates. I was worried. It looked more like scribbles with no meaning. My heart sank. And so the journey of trying to understand where the problem areas were with my child, had begun.” Read more...

Luke goes from failing to passing:

Dr Anina van der Bijl shares her son’s success story in her review of EduBrain, our new home program:

We have been through several different reading programs, reading schools, occupational therapists, speech therapists, one-on-one tutoring… name it, and we have tried it!

I am a medical doctor and having worked in clinical research for more than ten years, it follows naturally that I tend to believe in proven methods (preferably randomised controlled clinical trials). However, with our son I was at the end of my wits and prepared to try anything; it seemed like he was unable to read, although his intelligence is above average.

Great was my surprise to stumble upon a proven, much published method of teaching reading! The Edublox team became our allies in teaching our autistic son how to read! The progress was so clear, like missing pieces of a puzzle starting to drift in from the abyss. I have cried many grateful tears since first joining the program. My son now even reads for relaxation — it remains a miracle to me! And I have seen several other children make the same amazing progress!

EduBrain brings this wonderful program to your home, a program which benefits not only children with developmental and special needs, but also high performers to become even better, through training and stimulating the many intricate pathways in the brain!

Dr. Anina van der Bijl (MBChB, MBA)

Joleen and Shane Watkins: “At the end of Grade 1 (2012), Jared’s reading and phonics had shown a significant improvement, going from a 3 for phonics to a 5... At the end of Grade 2 (2013) Jared got a 7 for phonics as well as expression.” Read more...

Hi Yolande,

Would like to pass on some very positive feedback we received from our son Brynn's teacher this past week. The other day his teacher took my husband aside to tell him in all her 30 years teaching experience she has never seen a child of his age who can read so well!!! She also said she has never seen such a dramatic change in a child in a year!! I'm just thrilled with these comments. This is fantastic, and I've no doubt your work with him this year has been a big factor. He has really enjoyed your programme and it obviously works well for him. So a big thank you. I'm so proud of my boy and it's so wonderful to watch him grow and enjoy learning... and to hear him reading so much!!

Thanks again,
Michelle Tall

From: bluecherriphotography@gmail.com [mailto:bluecherriphotography@gmail.com]
Sent: 19 November 2013 06:01 PM
To: monique@edublox.com
Subject: Re: Kayla

My daughter, Kayla, has struggled constantly with school work since Grade One. Teachers would say that something is not right but they don't know what the problem is. After pursuing numerous avenues we finally found Edublox. She has been with them since April 2012. Firstly I noticed that her confidence was growing, then she started to excel in her languages and she started to comprehend what she was reading. I am very proud and relieved to see how her marks have improved. I would highly recommend Edublox and am thankful to the excellent and caring personnel of Edublox because without them it would not have been possible.



Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 8:58 PM
To: nicolene@edublox.com
Subject: A big thank you

Dear Nicolene

I recently took my son to the neurologist for his 6 monthly checkup. The doctor could not believe the vast improvement in my son's reading, he commented on how Dave read with confidence and how much his reading speed has improved. I was over the moon as we have not been with you for very long but can already see results! Dave was at another reading school on the West Rand before for more or less a year and a half and showed very little improvement.

A big thank you to you and your team, I think your results stem from your understanding nature, patience and dedication. These qualities are very important as an ADHD child needs extra attention as it quote hard for them to focus.

Keep up the good work! Please relate my satisfaction and joy to your team


A very proud and happy mommy

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Dr Rebecca Felix [mailto:rebecca@curiouscubs.co.za]
Sent: 13 August 2013 05:28 PM
To: 'Zainu Allie'
Subject: Emily-Jane and Rachael-Anne

Dear Zainu

Hope you are well. Don’t forget our coffee date towards the end of term!!

I would like you to do the assessment again for both Emily-Jane and Rachael-Anne. This month Emily-Jane will be there for two years and I would like to have her assessed so we know if she needs to continue with your wonderful program. She has been doing SO very well at school. Her teacher has commented that her concentration is good, her marks are really good too and she is coping so well with the load of work in Grade 4. She comes home and does her homework independently of me. So she is doing well. But I also want you to be happy with her progress. Thank you again for all the wonderful work that you are doing. I am still telling everyone about you!!!

Rachael-Anne is also doing very well at school. She gets in the 90s for all her subjects (even 100% for her Maths assessments). Her teacher is so chuffed to always tell me about her good work. I am still deciding if she will attend next term, but will let you know well before the time.

Thanks again!!

Kind regards

Dr. R. Felix
Program Director: Curious Cubs-"Learning through science"
Cell number: +27 72 2445600
email: rebecca@curiouscubs.co.za

From: Bronwin Theron [mailto:Bronwin.Theron@wlh.co.za]
Sent: 29 August 2013 09:00 AM
To: alison@edublox.com

Hi Alison

Just something I would like to share with you.

I am so grateful to God and to you and the staff at Edublox. Justin has only been there for the past four weeks. I had a meeting with his teacher yesterday and she says she already sees a change in him. His reading has improved as well as his writing and spelling. He received his first badge yesterday for good work and he was so proud.

Thank you so much to you and your teachers for what you have done so far. I now look forward to see him grow more with your guys' help.

Have a blessed day

From: Hayley Bunch [mailto:hayley@prisk.co.za]
Sent: 31 July 2013 04:02 PM
To: monique@edublox.com
Subject: Oh happy days!!

Hi Monique,

Please see attached. I found it in the homework book this afternoon and I am super excited. This is the first time since Grade R (2010) that I have not been called in for "the termly chat" - so thank you to you and Edublox!!

I was getting so frustrated as I could see a difference but they were not convinced and now I have this little piece of paper to prove that I was right.

Anyway, I just thought I would share that with you J



Devigi Pillay: “My son Preneil was diagnosed with dyslexia in June 2010. He was in Grade 7! We were both quite unsettled and not sure of the way forward. Not only did he have to attend a school programme to help learners struggling with reading but he also had to work with me every night completing exercises in eye movement and word recognition. The issue that troubled Preneil the most was that he was labelled by fellow learners as a “remedial” child. Preneil’s confidence was always quite fragile given his small stature and quiet, introspective nature but this diagnosis dragged him back even further.” Read more…

From: sophie bunnies [mailto:info.cuddlebunnies@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 12:19 PM
To: marelize@edublox.com
Subject: Tshiamo parents report.

I am so excited to write this report about my daughter Tshiamo Mashao. She joined Edublox on the 1st of March 2013. By the time she joined she could not read or spell correctly, and she was no longer interested in going to school because her peers are in Grade 6 she is in Grade 4. But after the assessment at Edublox she was excited about starting the classes.

As I am writing this I am so happy and impressed by the progress she achieved since she joined the programme. My daughter can read, and she is confident to approach activities. We also visited the primary school she attends to check her progress. Her class teacher responded very positively. She is now able to do her homework on her own, and she grabs newspapers and magazines and reads without being shy.

Me and my husband we are very proud about Edublox and the teachers who are assisting her.

Thank you Edublox for your passion in your work, and the love and care that you are showing our daughter.


Regards Sophie and Cedrick

From: Claire du Plessis [mailto:claire@dischem.co.za]
Sent: 22 May 2013 10:45 AM
To: monique@edublox.com

A moment I want to share. My little boy, 7 years, was awarded with a 100% in his school spellathon in April 2013!

I would like to thank Edublox JHB West Rand for they have made a great improvement to my child's life, from a little boy who was only getting 1 and 2 on his school report.

I came across Edublox on the web and decided to send my son to them. There has been a major change in his work -- last term he got 5 and 6 on his report. It is a very loving and caring environment and I suggest anyone to send your child. You won't look back.

Thank you to Monique and all the other teachers for your time and dedication to our children. It's nice to know there are such special people out there willing to make a better future for our children.

Kind Regards


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